воскресенье, 22 декабря 2013 г.

A Farewell to Arms. Film Review

    The title of the film I’m to tell you about is A Farewell to Arms. It is a 1957 American drama film directed by Charles Vidor. The screenplay by Ben Hecht, based in part on a 1930 play by Laurence Stallings, was the second feature film adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's 1929 semi-autobiographical novel of the same name. The previous one dates back to 1932. It was the last film produced by David O. Selznick.
    It is distinguished by its hand-picked cast - Rock Hudson as Frederick Henry, Jennifer Jones as Catherine Barkley, Vittorio De Sica as Major Alessandro Rinaldi. These actors managed to feel their characters, their souls, mood and the way of thinking even. I am amazed by the way they took the message of the writer. However, sometimes the development of the love affair did not seem natural, they overacted.
    I believe it is worth saying, that this film was not approved of by the critics. After negative reviews about this film, David O. Selznick left the movies completely, producing no other films.
    The plot of the film is well-known. Frederick Henry is an American serving as an ambulance driver for the Italian Army during World War I. He fell in love with a nurse - Catherine Barkley. During the retreat of the Italian Army Henry deserted, and he and pregnant Catherine make their way to neutral Switzerland. For some months they live happily, but in the spring Catherine gives a birth to a still-born child, and dies shortly afterward.
    In my opinion, the directed shifted the accents a lot. This film lacks that all-important awareness of the inescapable presence and pressure of war. It focuses on the love affair of 2 characters.
    To tell the truth this film impressed me greatly. Such things as love and war seem to be incongruous, but this film proves the contrary. The film placed me into the time of war and Ernest Hemingway. It helped me to imagine what kind of a person he was and what influenced his creative talent. I really loved this film, it is worth watching. If you are fond of Ernest Hemingway, then watch the film and you’ll have no regrets.

воскресенье, 15 декабря 2013 г.

In Love and War. Film review

The film was directed by Richard Attenborough using the book of Henry S. Villard. Such a famous and Oscar-winner actress as Sandra Bullock (Agnes von Kurowsky)and Chris O'Donnell (Ernie Hemingway)played the leading role in the film.
"In Love and War" is a romance drama film, which takes place during World War I, and is based on the World War I experiences of the writer Ernest Hemingway as a young soldier in Italy. He was wounded and sent to a military hospital where he was nursed by Agnes von Kurowsky. They fell in love with each other but somehow the relationship didn't work out.
The first thing which strikes our attention is the title of the film. Firstly, we may suppose that the film is about war and love to your Motherland, or about love which was destroyed by the war. But in my opinion, this is a film about love and the title proves it. The word “Love” is placed on the primary position not accidentally. This means that the film is about love, relationship and fates while war plays a kind of setting and a background for them.
Then if the film is about love, the question arises: “Is it possible to love at war?” What is love at war: flame, passion, lust, devotion, affection, infatuation or something else, something real? This problem is touched upon in the film and revealed through the storyline of Agnes and Ernie. “In war they found each other and in each other they found love”. I think that their love was a real one for that place and that time. In fact, at war all the feelings are intensified, that’s why their love was like a passion or a flame, although the affection and devotion are also clear from their relationship. I suppose that Agnes felt affection towards him as to a kid, a young person at war, while Ernie felt passion and lust towards Agnes. This mixture of feelings led to something real which was of vital importance for the main characters at that particular time. Nevertheless, the relationship didn’t work out due to Agnes’ prejudices upon her life as a woman and mother. The love for the main characters wasn’t possible at peace time and Agnes realized it. So, on the one hand the war prevented the lovers from being together, on the other hand, it couldn’t be born between them without that war.
How did this love failure influence their lives? When Agnes realized that the feelings were real, it was too late as Ernest’s pride didn’t let him forgive her. He had a success in writing, so this failure was rather constructive for him as a writer and his heartache was a kind of inspiration.
Speaking about the problems touched upon in the film, I think it’s important to mention the problem of war and heroism. War is one of the main themes of Ernest Hemingway’s creative work. The main character fought hard to have the right to participate in war actions but wasn’t allowed. But still due to his adventurous character he ran to the front line and was shot and even managed to help his friend. For that he was honoured with a medal. Was it a real heroism or an infant desire to play at war? The problem of heroism is highlighted alongside the war theme. Heroism doesn’t only exist in the front line, but also in hospitals, where the nurses fought for the lives of soldiers throughout day and night.
To tell the truth this film impressed me greatly.  Such things as love and war seem to be incongruous, but this film proves the contrary. I really loved this film, it is worth watching

вторник, 10 декабря 2013 г.


1. What are the admission requirements to the colleges and universities in the USA/Britain?

In America, students have to take a standardized test, such as the SAT or the ACT if they want to study at a college or university. Students from other countries who are not the native speakers of English must also take the TOEFL. Each college has its own application form and most include a question for which the student must write an essay. The student also has to send a transcript (=an official list of all the subjects studied and the grades received) and letters of reference.

2. What are the three types of schools in higher education?

Universities, teacher-training colleges and polytechnics.

3. What degrees are offered by schools of higher learning in the USA/Britain? What are the requirements for these degrees?

In Britain - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science ( for the 1st degree)  and for the 2nd ones are Master of Arts and Master of Science accordingly. Doctor of Philosophy is the highest scientific degree. In the USA students choose a major subject and in 4 years they get a traditional Bachelor’s degree. Then the students may go on to graduate school1 and with a year or two of further studies get a Master’s degree. After another year or two years of studies and research they may get a still higher degree – Doctor of Philosophy.

4. What is a credit in the US system of higher education? How many credits must an undergraduate student earn to receive a bachelor’s degree? How can they be earned?

Letters indicate the marks or the level of achievement: “A” is the highest mark and “F” is the worst (the lowest) one, which means that the student has failed the course and will not get credit for taking it.
A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 124 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. Most students attempt to finish their undergrad schooling in four years. If fifteen credits are taken each quarter, a bachelor degree can be completed in the four year time span.

5. What steps do students have to take to enroll in a college/university for admission? Speak about the exams they take – PSAT, SAT, ACT.

The SAT and ACT tests are used for college admission purposes. The SAT test is an aptitude and reasoning test used by most colleges for admission purposes. This test has math and verbal sections, as well as a writing section that includes an essay. In most cases, colleges will accept either SAT or ACT scores--however some Midwestern colleges prefer the ACT. The ACT test measures knowledge in four subject areas: English, Math, Reading, and Science. For those interested in pursuing college, The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test should be taken. The PSAT test has three sections--Math, Verbal/Critical Reasoning, and Writing.

6. What financial assistance are applicants eligible for? What is college scholarship, grants, loan? Explain and bring out the essence of student financial aid.

Students whose families cannot afford to pay the full amount apply for financial aid. Many students receive financial aid package which may be a combination of grants from the government, a scholarship, a student loan and work-study (= a part-time job at the college). Grants, like loans, can come from both federal funds and private institutions but, unlike loans, you do not have to repay them. Scholarships do not require repayment and are awarded for almost anything.

7. What is a GPA (Grade Point Average)?

Your Grade Point Average (GPA) is a measure of how well you are doing in your academic studies.  At TRU, the academic grading scale goes from “A+” to “F”, with corresponding grade points ranging from the highest “4.33” to the lowest “0.00”.

8. What is the role of a student’s counselor? Specify the function of career development and job placement within a university.
School counselors help students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow.
Its mission is to assist students and alumni to develop lifelong career planning and job search skills and to provide employment and graduate school information, resources, and services in a customer-oriented environment.
It functions as a comprehensive career planning and placement service within the university in order to meet the needs of students and alumni by helping students develop self-awareness, enabling students to clarify and evaluate their career and educational goals, providing students with direction and information on the job market and educational opportunities, helping students develop a methodology to reach their educational goals, and assisting students in the career decision making process.

10. What are the sources of funding for universities and colleges (both public and private)?

Private universities are universities not operated by governments, although many receive tax breaks, public student loans, and grants. Depending on their location, private universities may be subject to government regulation. A public university is is funded by public means through a national or subnational government, as opposed to private universities. This is in contrast to public universities and national universities. Some universities are non-profit and some are for-profit means as business organization.

11. What is an undergraduate student? A graduate student?

An undergraduate student is a student that is attending college, but has yet to attain a degree. A graduate student is a student that has graduated with a 4 year degree and is going on to achieve a Master’s degree.

12. Are you for written or oral examinations? Which ones are more objective?
Personally I prefer written exams, I think it’s less nervous and it’s easy to concentrate during it, also you can correct your answers.

13. What examinations (oral or written) are more popular with Russian students? Describe the psychological types of students in your group.

I think Russian student do not prefer oral examinations, mainly because it presupposes inevitable necessity to face the examiners, speak to them and even answer some additional questions. However, sometimes oral examination is more preferable. However, students are to face with oral exams in University.

14. Would you like to study in the USA or Great Britain? What are the requirements for foreign students to study in the USA or Great Britain?

I think it would be unreasonable to give up such an opportunity to study in the USA or Great Britain. In Students who will or have graduated from a high school in a country where English is not the official language and for whom English is not their first language must present proof of English proficiency by submitting scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) that are no more than two years old.

15. What aspects of American or British higher education system would you like to introduce into ours?

I think it is the possibility to choose a list of subjects, the student is interested in, to specialize in them. 

понедельник, 2 декабря 2013 г.

Laboratory Works 5.1-5.4

 Lab. Work 5.1
1.                  You’ll hear five speakers talking about problems they or their relatives face while studying. Fill in the chart with the information given in the recording. Be especially precise with the column “Your solution to the problem”; here, you’re supposed to give your personal advice to avoid or ease the problems mentioned by the speakers.
Signs of the Problem
Your Solution to the Problem
We need to assess the ability to learn: this type of exam or learning license would be more useful for students, employers and society in general. It shows which candidates are good at, say, engineering, but it also shows actually which can think as an engineer.
Maybe the combining of traditional ways of assessment and this one will be the best way to examine both theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills, but personally I think that traditional way to examine is much more effective.
 father’s concerns about his daughter’s study
Tired face, sleepless nights etc.
The girl is studying for 3 levels preparing for medical school. She is working hard. She works nights and weekends to prepare for her exams. She is dedicated to her studies.
 Of course, all parents worry about the study of their children. But sometimes they press on their children too hard.  They are to help them with the choice, but not to be too exhausted. They become blind when seeing children’ exhausted faces and behavior. I think that have to rely on our personal choices and learn to make their own choices. Parents should just help and support them.
 The person is too hard on himself trying to enter the university (exhaustion during the preparation for entrance exams)
 He lost his weight, he has big black rings under his eyes. He sleeps for 3 or 4 hours a day. He didn’t sleep at all during the last 3 or 4 days.
 Any exam is stress. Entrance exams are the hardest time in the life of every student. Children need to spend more time walking and breathing fresh air, also they need vitamins and ,of course, while they’re preparing for exams they need to sleep at least 6-7 hours.
 The lack of confidence while writing the exam.
 He never thought of himself like a highflyer, he never excepted such high results.
Many students are not sure of their future results as they lack confidence and afraid to fail. So I think that we should be ready for the worst, but should be ready for the best.
 Using technology while conducting exams.
 The results would be able to get much faster, 40% of all exams will be conducting electronically in a couple of years, online tests and registration will follow.
 Nowadays, it’s impossible to imagine a day without new technologies.  It can be very helpful during exams. We can safe lot of time using it. I think that it is to be used in schools and universities.  

2.                  Have you ever experienced problems while studying?  What were these problems like? How did you cope with them?
The most difficult problem for me is my nervousness, I can’t cope with it, I try to organize my time, to think over everything, but I can’t cope with my emotions.
3.                  What are other difficulties that contemporary university students face while studying? When do the problems usually occur? Are there special stresses that cause them? Do you agree that the quality learning is “the travel of hardships”? Give account of about 100 words on the questions mentioned.
Studying in university at modern times can be daunting and fun period of student life. I want to touch upon the more burning issues here. 
First of all, modern day university students face financial problems. Students in universities today have the greatest of responsibility of manage their budget and plan whole year activities. Getting a part time job at campus or outside campus is a better option for students. Another great concern to university students is getting their desired course in universities. Friends and roommates are often make the problems for each other. Students are living together in close quarters and seeing each other each day, this is very difficult.
If conflicts do arise, it is best to get others  involved so that the spirit of community, unity, and peace at the college can continue to be upheld. I’am agree that learning is “the travel of hardships”, because, there are lots of things which students need to concentrate of a better and fruitful university life.

Lab. Work 5.2
Listen to a talk given by a university advisor to a group of students and answer the following questions:
1.    What is the standard grading system in the USA? 
Satisfactory and unsatisfactory grades.  
Academic grading in the United States is a standard letter grading system of A, B, C, D, and F—A being the highest and F - the lowest.

2.    What are the ‘special grades’ that the speaker mentions in the recording?
     She mentions satisfactory (S) and unsatisfactory (U) grades, but it is not taken for all the courses at the university, as the majority prefer the standard letter grades.

3. Comment on the standard grading system in your country?
There is a 5-grade system in Russia. The mark 5 is excellent, 4-good, 3-satisfactory, 2 – unsatisfactory.
4. Do schools and colleges practice non-standard grading systems? What are they?
In Russia, it becomes popular to give marks in percents. In the British and American colleges, they may have credit – non credit for some types of courses.

5.    Give examples of other grading systems throughout the world? Which of them do you think are efficient for the students’ academic assessment?
Academic grading in Iran
In schools, grades are based on 20. Depending on the school and the grade of study, a good mark varies, but in most occasions 16 or higher is considered to be a good one.
This system of grading based on 20 is also common in universities, but sometimes percent scoring is also used in higher educational systems.
Grade  Scale 1 Scale 2 Description
18-20   A+       5          Excellent
16-17.99         A         4 Very Good
14-15.99         B         3 Good
12-13.99         C         2 Satisfactory
10-11.99         D         1Acceptable (10 = Pass)
0-9.99  E/F      0          Fail

In 2007, Denmark replaced its age-old 13-scale grading system with a simpler, 7-step-scale system. They did this to begin to conform to a European standard called the ECTS scale, but also because, hey, 13 possible grades makes for a lot more work for teachers. Here’s how the old 13-scale used to work:
13 – given for the exceptionally independent and excellent performance.
11 – given for the independent and excellent performance
10 – given for the excellent but not particularly independent performance
9 – given for the good performance, a little above average
8 – given for the average performance
7 – given for the mediocre performance, slightly below average
6 – given for the just acceptable performance
5 – given for the hesitant and not satisfactory performance
03 – given for the very hesitant, very insufficient and unsatisfactory performance
00 – given for the completely unacceptable performance
Those gaps you see between 00 & 03, 03 & 5 and 11 & 13 help signify variations between those grades. Anything under a 6 is a failing grade, while a 13 is rarely given. 00 is just about impossible to achieve, reserved for truly incompetent performance. At exams, 00 is given to students attending, but who cannot answer a single question. According to this post, “one of the reasons why the 13 scale was replaced with the 7 scale was because of the grade 13. 13s are only given to the students that have gone above and beyond the stated curriculum. To gain it you needed to know more than what was taught in class. It required truly independent study. As none other EU countries used grades above perfect understanding of the curriculum, 13 were untranslatable to other grading systems.”
In the land down under, many schools and universities use a “band” grading system which looks like this:
90–99.95% BAND 6
80–89% BAND 5
70–79% BAND 4
60–69% BAND 3
50–59% BAND 20–49% BAND 1

In Japan, most higher education institutions give grades on a scale from 0–100, but a few universities apply letter grades. While for years an "A" grade range was from 80 to 100 points, some schools (for example, at Kurume University) have started to give the 90 to 100 point range a special grade to indicate excellence. A failing grade is generally called an "E", though some institutions use "F".
Scale   Letter Grade
90-100 Excellent (AA, or T)
80-89   A
70-79   B
60-69   C
0-59     Fail (E or F)

Lab. Work 5.3
 Listen to a talk by a student advisor on campus. Answer the following questions.
1.                  What are the rules for dropping a course in the talk provided?
Sometimes students can drop the course within the first three week of the semester. First, you need to get the signature of the professor whose course you want to drop on the official drop card. Then you need to go to a student advisor on campus to get the signature of your adviser.
2.                  What warnings does the student advisor give?
Students can’t officially drop the course after the first three weeks of the semester or your grades can suffer. You need to take the signature of the professor. If students have problems in a course and they decide to let it run if they want to drop the course – it is impossible to do so. Second, if students stop attending a course without going through the official drop procedures, the course will remain on your schedule and you will receive a failing grade.
3.                  How can you avoid getting a failing grade, according to the recording?
It is important to understand these procedures and follow them. If you do so, you will not have any problems.
4.                  What are the official drop procedures for the elective courses in your country?
To drop a course students in Russia need to have special permission from the professor or they need to have a sick voucher.

Lab. Work 5.4
Listen to a talk given on a college campus.
1.         What are the places of a college campus that the speaker mentions in the recording?
The Library
The Students’ Center: bookstore, post office, a bank, a theatre, a coffee shop, a travel agency, bowling alley
The Administration complex: offices of the university administrators, the students’ records office
2.         Can you find the similar campus places in your college/university? What are other places that are worth mentioning? Characterize them briefly.
I can find some similar campus places in our institute. However, there is no bank, theatre, travel agency and bowling alley.
Reading room
In the Library we can find has a quiet room.  Here we can use computers and the Internet, photocopier, colour printing, can take some books, etc.


Near the Institute, we have parking, but it’s limited and can be difficult to obtain.  The institut recommends using public transportation whenever possible.  If traveling by car, please be aware that the University does not offer any public parking, and street parking is limited by meters. 
There are some food-service areas: a major cafeteria (ground floor) and a smaller deli (first floor). There is also a little shop where students can buy some snack.
Hall of residence
A house for students who live far away from the institute.
The college copy center
Often students are required to provide multiple copies of an assignment for a class or other documents. 
A place where students have discos and little performances.
The big concert hall
A place for important events and activities
3.         Pick out the places from the previous task and make a similar tour around your college/university to inform the freshmen about the campus.
Firstly, it may seem to you that you can get lost, there so many corridors and rooms, but you’ll adapt. There's the residence hall, the nearest dining center, and many classrooms.
Parking is located near our institute, it is limited and can be difficult to obtain.  It’ll be better for you to use public transport.
On the territory of campus there are two halls of residence for the students who live far away from the institute, for instance in other towns and cities.
There is also the big concert hall for important events, shows and activities.
If you need a quiet place for studying go to reading room. There you can use computers with access to the Internet, a photocopier, color printing and much more.  
 Often students are required to provide multiple copies of an assignment for a class or other documents. In this case, you should go to the college copy center.

There is the bookstore in the institute, there you can buy there all necessary books and can order the books, that they have no at the moment.
In the Institute, we have two food-service areas: a dining hall and a small cafeteria. There also some small shops, there students can buy some food and drinks.
Finally, don’t be afraid of being a student. Welcome to our Institute!