суббота, 23 ноября 2013 г.

Dangerous Minds. Film Review

The title of the film I’m to tell you about is Dangerous Minds, directed by John N. Smith. Having been released in 1995. It is distinguished by its selected cast - Michelle Pfeiffer as Luanne Johnson, George Dzundza as Hal Griffith,  Courtney B. Vance as George Grande,  Robin Bartlett as Carla Nichols.What is worth mentioning is the real background for the film. It is an American drama film based on the autobiography ‘My Posse Don't Do Homework’ by former U.S.
An ex-marine, LouAnne Johnson, decides to become a teacher, she is given a class of problem teens. They don’t respect her at the beginning. But she determines to have them trust and respect her. Her teaching methods are inventive. She bribes them with candy bars and free trips to amusement parks, and involves them in the words of that important poet, Bob Dylan. Along with helping her students with school work, she also provides emotional support to several students, including a couple of wise-cracking boys who are too caught up in street politics for their own good, and a teen who's dealing with the reality of being pregnant in high school. Although she intends to leave at the end of the year, the students quote the lyrics of a Dylan Thomas poem that they learned and insist that she's their "light" and refuse to let her leave them. She agrees to stay.
Pfeiffer does her best to make LouAnne urgent and earthy.  I thought that Michelle did a wonderful job, and it's a very inspirational movie.  I like how the writers had Michelle's character constantly talk about choices. She showed how everything we do and say is our choice. We may not have choices that we like (which she stated) but everything in life is a choice
I am amazed to know that it is bases on a true story and what catches my attention is that the teacher in question doesn’t belong to that profession: she is a discharged and unemployed USMC officer. I’m impressed by the way Luanne made the teens listen to her. She could find the way with her students, getting them such kind of literature that can interest them. It is a combination of bribery (candy bars) and intimidation (her karate training from the Marines comes in handy), and she's able to reach out to the students who need her the most: Callie, a bright girl who believes she's thrown away her future when she becomes pregnant; Emilio, a macho bully whose violence is stifling his academic potential; and Raul, the brightest kid in the class, who is afraid to show his intelligence.
This film impressed me greatly. I could find something special for myself in such thought provoking film. It makes me think over the fact that we must never give up. It is really worth watching.
(474 words)

суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Review of the movie “The Ron Clark Story”

       The films I have recently watched is “The Ron Clark Story”. It is a 2006 US biographical drama, based on the story of the real educator Ron Clark. The film is directed by Randa Haines, starring Matthew Perry. The events are developing in New York.
Now, let’s look at the plot of the film. Ron Clark leaves his hometown, where he teaches at an elementary school, the school where he is appreciated for his innovative teaching methods and great pupils’ results. Instead, he decides to look for a teaching job in New York city, where he has to work as a waiter. Then, he finds a job at school, where the students are segregated according to their potential. Clark wants to take the most disadvantaged class, but he is white and too nice, it becomes his problem. He realized that these children really need him, and despite the fact that it will be a battle of wills between himself and his disruptive students, he learns that he has to understand each of them before he can teach them the materials. He finds very creative ways to teach children, and it works. Children likes Mr. Clark. But his plans are turned askew by unforeseen events, such as illness. Clark copes with all obstacles and instills a sense of worth within the students. Through it all, he is supported by Marissa Vega, the beautiful waitress and actor.
Speaking about acting, I can not but say that Matthew Perry is one of my favorite actors. Perry is best known for his Emmy - nominated performance on the long-running comedy series Friends. I was shocked by Matthew Perry's performance. Having before only thought of him as the "Friends" guy his new personality took me completely by surprise. 
I think that “The Ron Clark Story” gives an audience hope for a better future. Mr. Perry does a great job telling the story of Ron Clark. Mr. Hudson gives the audience a honest view of how so many of us tend to give up when we feel beat down by the system. Every child should be required to watch this movie for inspiration and hope for better tomorrows. The work of writers, producers, director and actors in this movie is adorable!
Because of the above said reasons I gave this a ten out ten. The movie isn't trite, and there isn't much romance, but I think that it's one of the best movies that I have seen in quite a long time.
(435 words)

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

School Education in Britain and the USA

1.There are 2 types of schools in Britain: private (independent) and state.
2. They start school at 5 and leave it at 16.
Children can continue their education and leave school at 18.
3. Preschool education: 2-3 age;
Primary education: 5-11 age;
Secondary education: 11-16 age;
Sixth form college 16-18 age.
4. SAT, GCSE and A-level if they want to continue their education
Yes, they have to.  A-level exam is an entrance exam for leavers.
6.  Yes, in the UK there is The National Curricular.
7. IT takes 12 years, from 5 to 16.
8.  Primary school concentrates on the three R's: reading, writing and 'rithmetic and also developing their creative abilities.
     Secondary school concentrates on the subjects, which are introduced in the national curriculum.
9. When the student does not want to enter the institute
10. Admission requirement to primary and secondary school is the age of children.
11. Elite school education provides children with greater knowledge and in future with better jobs.
12. English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Physical Education should be an integral part of school curriculum. And Religious Education, Technology and Design are optional subjects.
13. In Russia private schooling is for children of rich parents. Such schools emphasize learning some science deeper than at the other schools.
14. A problem pupil is a pupil, who has problems with some study  and discipline.
15. A good teacher is a very attentive, kind and sensitive person. He or she is to interest children in study.
16. The most memorable things in my school days were holidays, which we spent with the whole class and our teacher. The most exciting thing was our last bell and school-leaving party. And the most painful one for me was when I got not very good marks.
17 I feel very nerveuos, I scared that I had little time to prepare in the proper way.
To my mind, written exam is easier to pass, I can fully concentrate on my work.
19. Sometimes I prefer to be the first to answer in an oral exam.
20.  Yes, I use rough-work sheets in a written exam, it helps me to find the mistakes.
21. I feel uncomfortable.
22. When students prepare cribs, they learn some information.
23. Yes, every time. It scares me.
24. I don't think so.
25. The most difficult thing about exam is not to panic and concentrate on the preparing.
26.  Advantages of private schools: better knowledge, prosperities. Disadvantages: \ children have to live in boarding schools.
27. I think, it’s a very good idea, it helps children to be interested in study.
28. To my mind the pest age to start primary school is 7.
A child must be fully ready for it.
29. They are to stay at school up to 18.
30. I think so, it helps they to feel more comfortable at school, as they are the part of smth.
31. Yes, it’s necessary, it helps to see children’s progress in study.
32. Only some tests, I think. 

понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Works 3.3 and 3.4

1. Students may stay away from school for a variety of reasons, it may be such reasons as boredom, they may feel that they have nothing to do at school, that they waste the time there. Another reason is a fear of someone, it could be their schoolmates or even teachers. Often children try to stay away from school because they have some problems with study. Sometimes children may have some problems at home and they lack parents’ support, as a result, they try to stay away from the society.
        1. c
        2. c
        3. a
        4. a
        5. a
        6. c
        7. B
3. First of all, I think, schools need to interest children in studies. That’s why schools need do lessons much more interesting. Being taken up with learning, children will have better results.
Then, to my mind, children should be taught to respect school; they must understand the importance of education, the responsibility for their future. Also, I think, parents should treat school education more responsibly, only in such a way their children begin to do the same. I don’t think that police involvement or strict punishments help to combat with truancy, children mustn’t be afraid of school, otherwise we’ll get the boomerang effect.
1. A woman try to decide what kind of school would be better for her: a public school or a state one. She and a man are discussing advantages and disadvantages of both of schools. First of all, they discuss the costs, state school is free and it’s an advantage, but at a public school you may get more qualitative education, and it’s the best investment of money. Also they are talking about the fact that state schools are mixed and at public schools there are not a variety of students, only rich people may attend it. A big advantage a public school have is connections you’d make, people there may help you to get a better job.
I think that the better quality of education and increased life chances, that public schools give, are much more important.
2. Wearing school uniform is a very long-standing tradition. Firstly, the school uniform considered as a thing that makes children study at school more seriously, makes children more disciplined. Secondly, it removes social distinctions, as all children wear the same clothes.Wearing uniform, children look more tidy, and it is pleasant for them, their parents and teachers.
But  at the same time school uniform prevents children’s individuality and it deprives children to express themselves. I remember that I liked to choose clothes every morning when I went to school, and I would not like to wear uniform. Now I see many advantages of wearing it.