воскресенье, 9 марта 2014 г.

"THEATRE" by W. S. Maugham (Chapters 3-6)

I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:
Asset - a useful or valuable thing (Michael’s beauty)
a sumptuous supper - luxurious meal, banquet
 extravagance - a thing on which too much money has been spent (gold cigarette for Michael)
 thrift - the quality of using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully
 to remonstrate - make a forcefully reproachful protest (Julia at restaurants)
 equanimity - calmness
 at a loose end - without purpose or occupation
 to jeopardize - put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure
 alacrity - brisk and cheerful readiness
 susceptible to - easily influenced by feelings or emotions; sensitive (Michael was susceptible to flattery)
 obsequious - obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
 a retainer - a servant, especially one who has worked for a person or family for a long time
II. Find quotations in the text. State their meaning and their function.
“nemo me impune lacessit” - "No one (Harms, wounds, hurts, provokes) me with impunity."
It was Michael’s motto, engraved on his signet ring.
“neither a borrower nor a lender be” – it means that you should be able to manage on your own and not need to borrow.
Michael was very economical, he quoted from Polonius.
"I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honour more,"  
Michael used this quotation to describe his attitude to relationship and love.
III. Explain the metaphor "she is a millstone round his neck." Who does it refer to?
It’s a problem prevents you from doing what you want, for Michael it’s early marriage. It could ruin his and Julia’s career.
IV. Comment on the context of the following phrases:
"He was too modest to resent an unfavourable criticism."
Michael was a very beautiful actor, but he understood that he had not a great talent in acting.
"... after all he was born a gentleman."
Michael’s parents wanted him to become a military man, but they accepted his choice and anyway they brought him up as a gentlemen.
"He is going to be a flop."
Michael was selected to work in America, but his director in England was sure that Michael would flop.
"'I suppose it's beastly of me,' she thought, 'but thank God, thank God.'"
Julia used this phrase to express her feelings  when Michael returned back home.

VI. What techniques are employed by the author to make the reader see the events through Julia's eyes?
The author used inner speech (the stream of consciousness)  to show us Julia’s attitude and feelings: “of course, he likes me”, “he likes me better than anyone, he even admires me..”, “gosh, I’m going down like a barrel of oysters”,  “by God, it was a put-up job”.
VII. Answer the questions:
1. Who was Jimmie Langton and what role did he play in Julia's and Michael's lives?
Jimmie Langton was the director od Michael and Julia’s troupe. He always support his actors and help them in their job.
 2. When did Julia and Michael join the Middlepool Theatre Company?
Michael had been playing in another theatre for three years, when the he was in Middlepool, he was noticed  by Langton, who asked him to join Middlepool Theatre, Michael agreed.
Julia had bee working in a small theatre, Jimmy offered her a slender salary, but great prospect, and Julia also agreed to join Middlepool Theater.
3. How did Julia and Michael get to know each other?
They played in the same play. Then they had a lunch together and  made friends.
4. What did Julia like about Michael?
Michael was a handsome, beautiful gentleman.
5.What did Michael think of good looks and decent families?
Family for his was much more important, than good appearance.
6.How did Julia feel about her family?
Julia loved her family. Her father was a vet, and she was proud of it.
 7.What were Michael's views on marriage?
“I think an actor's a perfect fool to marry young. There are so many cases in which it absolutely ruins a chap's career. Especially if he marries an actress. He becomes a star and then she's a millstone round his neck”.
8.What did Michael read newspaper reviews for? Did Julia share his views?
He tried to find there the information about him. Julia wanted to pay attention to her reviews too, but he didn’t.
9.Who invited Julia to Michael's house for the Holy Week? –
Michael’s mother, Mrs. Gosselyn, invited Julia to their house.
10.Did Michael's father meet Julia's expectations?
Julia  had expected, that Mr. Gosselyn  was civil, but he  was rather  generous. He was neither irritable nor oppressive. He read The Times, went to church on Sunday and accompanied his wife to tea-parties.
 11.What impression did Julia produce on Michael's parents?
They liked Julia."You've made a tremendous success with my people. They've taken an enormous fancy to you. Father told me you were very ladylike, and not a bit like an actress, and mother says you're so sensible."
12.Was the proposal expected by Michael's parents?
Yes, it was.
13.What steps did Julia take upon finding Michael was leaving for America?
She wanted Jimmie not to let Michael go.
14.What professional offer did Michael receive and who facilitated this?
Michael was offered a contract in America, and Jimmie facilitated it.
15.Was Michael a success in America?
No, he didn't find success there.
16.Did Julia keep in touch with him while he was away?
Yes,she wrote him  a lot of passionate letters, while he answered “once a week, four pages exactly in a neat, precise hand.”
17. Was Julia eager to meet Michael straight at the station?
 She met him at the station and booked two rooms in a hotel.
18.What were Michael's impressions after staying and working in America?
Michael was depressed. He told Julia that his roles were terrible.
19.What was Michael going to do in England and what were his prospects?
He wanted to open the theater, where he and Julia would play key roles.
VIII. Summarize the events of chapters 3-6.

Julia recollected her life. She remembered her first play in Jimmies troupe, her relationship with Michael and their feelings. Julia and Michael fell in love and she was invited by his mother to their house for the Holy Week, during this week Michael made a proposal. They got married. Soon Michael went to America, but he couldn’t find success there. He returned back home, there Julia was waiting for him. She met him at the station and booked two rooms in a luxurious hotel.

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