воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 г.

"Theatre" by W. S. Maugham. Chapters 22-24

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
to make a clean breast of sth – чистосердечно признаться
to tear sb limb from limb - 
to give sb a peep at your feet of clay- обнаружить своё слабое место
a sleeping-draught – снотворное
to and fro – взад-вперёд
curtain calls – вызов на сцену
pull oneself together – взять себя в руки
magnanimous – великодушие
to cramp one's style – помешать кому-л
contrition- раскаяние
a succinct account of sth – краткое содержание
a bereavement – тяжелая утрата
an austere and snug little town – строгий и уютный маленький городок
to adhere to sth.- придерживаться чего-л
VII. Answer the questions:
1.      Because she thought that it would upset Charles, as he was devoted to her for 20 years, but she fell in love with a silly young boy, who did not love her. And she did not want to confess to Delly, as she did not wish to fill that it was Tom who broke up.
2.       It was like heaven and earth, because Charles spoke about politics, aids, books and Julia wondered how she could exchange it all for a circle in which Tom was.
3.      Yes, Michael was absolutely right, as Julia lived through her role in the play, she did not act like actress should do, but splashed out her real emotions.
4.      Firstly, Julia was shocked and shouted at Michael that he was an old fool and so on, but then she calmed down and paid attention to his words.
5.      I think that she started to love them more than before, and she really appreciated all what they had done for her.
6.      Because she wanted to have a rest and completely cut herself off for a time from her old life
7.      They lived in a very quick little town and all their day were practically the same.
8.      They were caring for her, as she had a bad state of health, but when they got her acquaintance with the others, they asked not to tell them that she was an actress.
9.      She thought that he passionately loved her for 20 years, and was so devoted to her and she was the only woman in the world whom he fully loved and that he still waited for her.
10.   Because she returned to a luxurious life and  in this life people admired her mostly, sent her flowers, letters and so on. It was grand to see a well-dressed woman again, decently make-up and tanned men dressed in dinner jackets.

1.      Very adroitly. She just turned it into her own advantage, and said that she was glad that they didn’t spoil their friendship.

2.      She persuaded herself that there were two possible ways – if he was homosexual or impotent and she thought that the second variant was correct.

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