четверг, 5 июня 2014 г.

"Theatre" by W. S. Maugham. Chapters 25-27

III. Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Julia doubtful about her beauty and sex appeal the night after her adventure with Charles?
She was nervous about her appearence and sex appeal the night after her adventure with Charles, because he didn’t love her.
2. How did she put her looks to the test? Why did she need it?
Julia  put on a dress that was neither plain nor obviously expensive and a red straw hat with a wide brim. She knew, she was attractive and was sure in her skills.
3. Describe Julia's feelings when she had caught a young man's eye in the street? Rely on the lines starting with, "Suddenly her heart gave an exultant leap..." (Ch.25) and use your stylistic and linguistic knowledge while commenting.
Suddenly her heart gave an exultant leap. She had caught a young man's eye and she was sure that there was a gleam in it. He passed, and she had all she could do not to turn round. She shot him a glance and then modestly lowered her eyes. He fell back and she was conscious that he was following her. She stopped to look into a shop window and he stopped too.
4. Did the date meet Julia's expectations? What were the man's real intentions towards having a cup of tea with Julia?
The date didn’t meet Julia's expectations, because she thought his request to give him her autograph was an excuse for speaking to her. In reality the man only wanted to get her autograph for his young lady.
5. The young man didn't seem to be very polite and well-bred. Prove it using the text and comment on the techniques the author employs to create a desirable effect upon the reader.
“Before we go any further let's 'ave this autograph, eh? Do it now, that's my motto. Let me bring my young lady to see you in your dressing-room one day. Just shake 'ands with her, see? It would mean a rare lot to her. Why, she'd go on talking about it the rest of her life.” There was some impudence in his manner that Julia did not like.
6. After the stroll, what thoughts occurred to Julia when she got back home and started reflecting over herself? Rely on the lines starting with, "When she got home she went upstairs to her room..." (Ch.25) and use your stylistic and linguistic knowledge while commenting.
She had been intolerably nervous before a first night. She even had felt slightly sick all day. But by now, after having passed through the ordeal so many times, she had acquired a certain nonchalance. Throughout the early part of the day she felt only happy and mildly excited; it was not till late in the afternoon that she began to feel ill at ease. She grew silent and wanted to be left alone. She also grew irritable, and Michael, having learnt from experience, took care to keep out of her way. Her hands and feet got cold and by the time she reached the theatre they were like lumps of ice. But still the apprehension that filled her was not unpleasant.
7. Why did Julia begin to do an imitation of Lydia Mayne? What affect did this acting have on her? How does that characterize Julia as professional and personality?
Julia did it only to prove it herself.
8. What was the name of the play Michael was putting on?
Michael was putting on Nowadays.
9. How did Julia feel before the rehearsals?
Julia felt as if she were a girl playing her first small part. However at the same time she had a delicious sense of her own powers.
10. The play Michael was staging was a modern version of The Second Mrs. Tanqueray by Arthur Pinero (1855-1934), an English playwright. What changes did Michael introduce to the original?
Some of the old characters were introduced, and Aubrey Tanqueray appeared in the second act. The change of manners of this generation it had been treated from the standpoint of comedy.
11. Why did Michael need Julia's advice about Avice's acting?
Tom found Avice’s acting a rotten one. The scene in Julia’s dressing-room characterizes him as a man who is ready to give up a person if he/she is not successful.
12. What motifs did Julia have to praise the mediocre Avice Crichton and keep her in the cast?
Julia knew her well enough to be sure that if she were dismissed she would tell Tom that it was because Julia was jealous of her. He loved her and would believe anything she said. “She must play the part, and fail; and Tom must see with his own eyes what a bad actress she was”.
13. What pains did Julia take to make herself look nice to meet Roger? How does that characterize her as an actress and a mother?
She tended to look very young and pretty. She strolled up and down the platform. You would have thought, but wrongly, that she was perfectly unconscious of the attention she attracted.
14. What did Michael ask Julia to discuss with Roger?
Now that he was going to Cambridge so soon he ought to make up his mind what he wanted to do. Michael was afraid that he would drift through his time there and then go into a broker's office or even on the stage. Thinking that Julia had more tact than he, and more influence with the boy, he had urged her to put before him the advantages of the Foreign Office and the brilliant possibilities of the Bar.
15. How did Julia react on Roger's reflection about his future? What did they eventually talk about?
Julia felt discomfort.
16. During their conversation, Julia notices some new traits in her son's character and behavior. What are they?
Julia listened to him attentively, because she felt he was expressing something that had burdened him for years. She had never in his whole life heard him talk so much.
17. Roger sounds reproachful to Julia. What doesn't he approve of? Do you agree with him?
Roger doesn’t approve of her affair with Tom. I agree with him, because Tom was much younger than she and he needed only her money.
18. What were Julia's arguments to support her point of view about acting? Do you feel they are ground and serious? Why?
Julia said that acting is an art. Real grief is ugly; the business of the actor is to represent it not only with truth but with beauty.
19. How did their talk end?
Their talk ended with conversation about Tom and Julia. Then they heard a car drive up. It was Michael.
20. What was the thing Roger said that bothered Julia most?Julia had a fear that Roger knew that Tom had been her lover.

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